Senior High Curriculum

All sequentially numbered courses (i.e. 10, 20, 30) must be taken in proper numerical sequence. Access to electives is dependent upon enrollment and faculty availability. This section offers descriptions for all courses that may be offered including core courses, electives and CTS (Career and Technology Studies) courses.

  • Art 10   5 credits  A basic study of art history, drawing and composition. A variety of media and techniques is pursued.
  • Art 20   5 credits  A more advanced study of art history, drawing and composition. New media and techniques are introduced.
  • Art 30   5 credits  Designed for the more serious art student who is capable of working independently to some degree. Various media are studied, concepts are explored and applied to specific problems.
  • Biology 20   5 credits  Studies of homeostasis in the biosphere.
  • Biology 30   5 credits  A study of the various advanced biological systems, with emphasis on how they relate to the human body.           
  • Career and Life Management (CALM) 20   3 credits  Provides students with a basis for building self-management and financial management skills, improving relationships with others, career investigation and independent living skills.
  • Chemistry 20   5 credits  A study of the elements, the periodic table, compounds, and chemical reactions. Also included are the mole concept, stoichiometry, solution chemistry, chemical bonding, and organic chemistry.
  • Chemistry 30   5 credits  A study of energy changes, electrochemistry and acids and bases, rates of chemical reactions, and equilibrium.
  • Correspondence Courses   3-5 credits  A variety of provincial correspondence courses are available from the Department of Education. Where our program does not meet the needs of the student, we assist them to enroll in a satisfactory correspondence course.
  • Drama 10   5 credits  An introductory course to Drama. Units include orientation, movement, speech, improvisation, stage craft and theatre history. Students will have opportunities to perform locally, including chapels, school functions and in the community.
  • Drama 20   5 credits  This course emphasizes speech through storytelling and improvisation through theatre sports. The last half of the course is spent working on a major production, which will be staged at the end of the semester.
  • Drama 30   5 credits  Taught in conjunction with Drama 20, this course gives the serious Drama student the opportunity to gain career-oriented experience in theatre, usually in the role of Assistant director or stage manager of the major production. The main emphasis is on stagecraft and technical aspects of theatre.
  • English 10-1 or 10-2   5 credits  The course content includes short stories, three novels, poetry, composition, a modern play, and Shakespearean drama. Reading, writing, viewing, and listening skills are emphasized.
  • English 20-1 or 20-2   5 credits  This course emphasizes poetry, essays, short stories, a novel, grammar and Shakespearean drama.
  • English 30-1 or 30-2   5 credits  The emphasis in this course is upon essays, research writing, poetry, short stories, novels, and drama (both Shakespearean and modern).
  • English as a Second Language   5 credits  This course is designed to help students improve basic English language skills with emphasis on pronunciation comprehension, writing and grammar.
  • French 13   5 credits  This is an introductory course in French for those students who have not received French instruction prior to Senior High School.
  • French 10   5 credits  An introduction to "international" French, stressing structure and vocabulary in order to converse on a basic level. Emphasis is on verbal communication in the present tense.
  • French 20   5 credits  Builds on the skills acquired at earlier levels of language study. New concepts include the comparative and superlative, adverbs, 'inversion' questions, object pronouns, past tense. Emphasis on student production of dialogues and compositions in French.
  • French 30   5 credits  Seeks to perfect the understanding and use of concepts learned in previous courses. At this stage, the student will understand authentic French discourse. A more in-depth study of French literature and media is pursued.


  • Mathematics 10C   5 credits  A study of number sequences, co-ordinate geometry, real numbers, trigonometry, functions, rational expressions, statistics and probability.
  • Mathematics 20-1   5 credits  This course covers polynomials and rational functions, systems of equations and inequalities, quadratic functions, co-ordinate geometry, reasoning, and properties of angles and chords.
  • Mathematics 30-1   5 credits  This course covers how to generate, analyze and solve exponential, logarithmic and trigonometric functions, series, sequences, limits, probabilities, polynomial functions, conic sections, descriptive statistics (3 parameters of normal distribution).

Applied Math is primarily data-driven, using numerical and geometrical problem -solving techniques. Mathematics is seen as being useful in everyday life. This stream is also considered an academic level math.

  • Math 20-2   5 credits  A study of consumer problems, algebraic expressions, equations and inequalities, quadratic, polynomial and rational expressions etc.
  • Math 30-2   5 credits  Operations on matrices, cyclic, recursive and fractal patterns, normal and binomial probability distributions, etc.
  • Mathematics 31   5 credits  Introduction of topics prior to Calculus (including limits) as well as differentiation of algebraic functions, maxim and minim, anti-derivatives, fundamental theorem of calculus, areas, volumes and methods of integration.
  • Math 10-3, 20-3, 30-3  5 Credits  Consumer-level math – Focus is on the everyday life math requirements 

Other Courses

  • Choral Music 10, 20, 30 (vocal)   5 credits  Primary focus is on developing proper vocal technique. Ear training and fundamentals of music are also studied to help students become musically independent.
  • Music Lessons (private)  Private music lessons are available locally. Advanced certificates are recognized for credits by the Department of Education of Alberta.
  • Physical Education 10   5 credits  P.E. 10 provides fundamental instruction in a variety of basic team and individual sports. These may include soccer, flag football, volleyball, basketball, aquatics, track and field, softball, badminton, and minor sports. Some basic concepts in fitness will be examined as time allows.
  • Physical Education 20   5 credits  An optional course designed for the student with above average grades in P.E. 10. Instruction and opportunity for practice in skills development will be presented in team and individual sports. Basic skill/techniques, rules, strategies and systems for play will be studied.
  • Physical Education 30   5 credits  An elective course geared toward a self-disciplined student. Emphasis is on dimensions of the curriculum not normally stressed at the 10 and 20 levels, including First Aid, physiology and fitness, sports administration, outdoor pursuits, leadership, and lifetime leisure activities and sports.
  • Physics 20   5 credits  The study of the hows (kinematics) and whys (dynamics) of various kinds of motion (uniform, accelerated, circular). It will also examine the phenomena of waves and light.
  • Physics 30   5 credits  A study of the laws of Conservation, electromagnetic forces and fields, the nature of atoms, waves and particles.
  • Religious Studies 15    3 credits  An overview of the scope and sequence of the Old Testament with emphasis on how God relates to mankind.
  • Religious Studies 25    3 credits  A survey of the life and teaching of Christ. Doctrines about Christ are interwoven into appropriate units.
  • Religious Studies 35    5 credits  This course addresses three major areas. (1) An introductory study into the doctrine of the Scriptures, the nature of God and the matter of salvation. (2) Current ethical issues faced by believers. (3) An introductory consideration of the Biblical teaching on marriage.
  • Science 10   5 credits  An introduction to the disciplines of biology, chemistry, meteorology and physics for academic students.
  • Science 14   5 credits  A trade science course that involves the student in a practical "every day" way. The purpose of this course is to develop an appreciation for science and for its application to technology and modern day problems.
  • Science 24   5 credits  A continuation of Science 14 with emphasis on the bodies' defense mechanisms, energy and transportation.
  • Social Studies 10-1 or 10-2   5 credits  This course focuses primarily on the study of the process and effects of globalization analyzed from multiple perspectives. Supplementing the course will be some current events discussion and the application of the Biblical perspective.
  • Social Studies 20-1 or 20-2   5 credits  This course focuses on the growth and development of nationalism in the world, from multiple perspectives for both contemporary and historical events.
  • Social Studies 30-1 or 30-2   5 credits  A study of war and peace with particular emphasis on twentieth century cooperation and conflict since World War I. The course also includes a study of the major political and economic systems in the world.
  • Spanish 15   5 credits  This is an introductory course initiating the student in speaking, listening, writing and reading Spanish. After successful completion, the student will be able to converse at a basic level.
  • Spanish 25   5 credits  Students will be introduced to a greater knowledge and understanding of the Spanish language as well as being introduced to new cultural insights.
  • Special Projects 10, 20, 30   3 or 5 credits  Students pursue activities in which they have considerable interest or ability but which are not within the scope of the regular curriculum or school programs. The students are responsible for the selection, planning and organization of their project. The project must be approved by the administration. Three-credit projects require a minimum of 75 hours; five-credit projects require a minimum of 125 hours.
  • Work Experience 15, 25, 35   3 -10 credits  A program for interested and qualified students in gaining work experience on the job at an approved work place. A maximum of 15 credits count towards graduation requirements.
  • Career and Technology Studies (CTS)  CTS courses consist of 22 strands or areas of electives that enable students to develop daily living skills, career planning skills, and technology-related skills as well as reinforcing learning developed in other areas. Within each strand are modules, which are learner based. Each module is a separate course that equals 1 credit for approximately every 25 hours of class time. The three levels of modules are introductory, intermediate and advanced. The types of strands offered in any Alberta school may change due to the available areas of teacher expertise. Transferable credit (out-of-province or out-of-country) from similar programs is acceptable after evaluations are completed.
  • Construction Technologies (name change from Industrial Education)  This strand has been developed for students to investigate and develop knowledge, skills and attitudes relative to the design, construction and maintenance of buildings and other related products.
  • Design Studies  This strand will help students become aware of design in their environment, engages them in designing and shows them how design processes are used through the use of CAD (Computer Assisted Drawing). Not offered this year
  • Fashion Studies (name change from Clothing and Textiles)  This strand is concerned with design, production and merchandising of clothing, textiles and accessories.   
  • Food Studies (name change from Home Economics)  Students will have the ability to adapt to the challenges of change with increased flexibility and confidence by developing basic, integrated and career-specific knowledge, skills and attitudes in the context of foods.  
  • Information Processing (name change from Typing and Computers) This strand is the study of electronic technologies as they apply to personal and business environments. Areas that can be covered are system operations, text/data input, productivity software, applied processing, dynamic environments, programming and digital design studies.